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- Item: A.P.R.O. au revoir? ---- According to a letter dated 03/01/88, it seems that A.P.R.O. (Aerial Phenomena Research Organization)
- is no more. Below, is a reprint of the form letter received in response for more information on the organization. Several questions
- this person has concerning the unfortunate events which have occurred there recently: Is there no one there who can carry the ball forw
- a
- rd? Is one of the oldest UFO organizations involved in serious research into the phenomenom at the point whereby its existence
- i
- s based on the determination and efforts of one person?******************************************************************
- 1 Mar. 1988 Dear Friend: I regret having taken so long to answer your
- r
- equest for information but our editor, Mrs. Lorenzen, has been very ill, and we were hoping that in time she would be in a
- c
- ondition of health that would permit her to resume her duties as editor and memory bank for publishing the bulletin.
- Since this now appears to be an impossibility, with her doctor advising a complete rest from any responsibility, we have n
- o
- choice but to thank you for your interest, tell you of the other UFO investigating organizations you might wish to join, a
- n
- d recommend a list of excellent books for you to read. CUFOS, 2457 W. Peterson, Chicago, IL 60659 MUFON, 103 Oldtow
- n
- e Rd. Seguin, TX 78155 "ABOVE TOP SECRET" by Timothy Good, (English Author) 1987 Sidgwick & Jackson, Ltd. 1 Tavistock Chamb
- e
- rs, Bloomsbury Way London WC1A 2SG "INTRUDERS" by Budd Hopkins 1987 "COMMUNION" by Whitley Streiber, 1987
- "
- CLEAR INTENT" by Lawrence Fawcett & Barry Greenwood, 1984 Prentice-Hall "Project Identification" by Harley D. Rutledge, Pro
- f
- essor of Physics at SE MO State U. May your interest in UFOs last a long lifetime. Sincerely, Robert G. Marsland, S
- a
- ying "Goodbye" for APRO Signed: Robert G. MarslandMagnolia. It was on its
- side, up about 500 feet.
- Q. What was your firs